Privacy Policy

​​​​​​​Euphoria Creative.

For us, at Euphoria Publicidade LTDA. (“EUPHORIA”), privacy and security are priorities and

We are committed to transparency in the processing of our customers' personal data. That's why,

This Privacy Policy establishes how information is collected, used and transferred

from customers or other people who access or use our website or our services in general.

By using our services, you understand that we will collect and use your personal information in

forms described in this Policy, under the rules of the 1988 Federal Constitution (art. 5, LXXIX; and art.

22nd, XXX – included by EC 115/2022), of the Data Protection standards (LGPD, Federal Law

13,709/2018), the consumerist provisions of Federal Law 8078/1990 and other rules of the

applicable Brazilian legal system.

In this way, EUPHORIA, registered with the CNPJ/MF under nº 47.882.625/0001-98, in the role of Data Controller

Data, you are obliged to comply with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

Our website collects and uses some of your personal data in order to enable the provision of services and

improve the user experience.

1.1. Personal data provided by the holder

You can provide us with your personal information, including name and contact details, by filling in

forms or by corresponding with us by post, telephone, email or otherwise. That includes

personal information you provide when you inquire with us or purchase our products or services;

subscribe to our blog or other publications; request marketing to be sent to you or give us

feedback. If you wish to become a B2B partner, we will ask for personal information such as name,

address, telephone number and email address.

1.2. Personal data collected automatically

When you access our Sites, our servers automatically collect technical information,

including, for example, Internet Protocol (IP) address, web browser type and version, the

operating system used and the domain name of your Internet service provider.

We may also collect information about your visit, including pages you viewed or

searched, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain

pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouseovers), methods used

to navigate away from the page and any phone number used to call our number

of customer service.

We may use this information to personalize the content presented to you, better understand

how visitors use our Sites and how we can adjust it, its content and functionality to

meet your needs.

2. How do we use your data?

We will only process your personal information in accordance with this policy and applicable law.

We will process your personal information for the following purposes as necessary to perform

of a contract between you and us, or to respond to questions or take steps at your request before

to conclude a contract:

• To create and maintain your customer account, if you become a customer;

• To create and maintain your B2B account, if you become a B2B partner;

• To handle and fulfill orders if you request products or services from us. This may also include the

processing personal information we receive from third parties, for example address data

to verify your correct address;

• To provide after-sales services and notify you about changes to our products or services, and to

send service emails relating to activities you have asked us to carry out on your behalf;

• Process accounts such as rebates, remittances and payment of invoices; It is

• Respond to queries, suggestions and requests.

We will process your personal information for the following purposes as necessary for certain

legitimate interests, or where you have given your informed consent to such processing

as required by applicable law (such consent may be withdrawn at any time):

• Carry out periodic campaigns, satisfaction surveys or market research, as well as analyze

the results and distribute prizes and gifts;

• To offer our services to you in a personalized way, for example, we may provide

suggestions based on your previous requests to allow you to identify products and

appropriate services more quickly. This may also include, where legally permitted, the

processing data related to your location;

• To inform you about our products, goods and services; It is

• Inform customers about any exhibitions, presentations, seminars and other events

organized by us (solely or jointly, including with our cooperation or support).

We will process your personal information for the following purposes as necessary in our

legitimate business interests (provided that such interests are not overridden by your interests or

fundamental rights):

• Submit notifications, reports or requests to the competent authorities;

• To send business-related communications and courtesy letters;

• To resolve any disputes, if you lawfully exercise your rights or wish to contest

any part of our service offering;

• To ensure the security of your account and our business by preventing or detecting fraud or

abuse of our Sites, for example, requesting verification information to reset your password

account (if applicable);

• To develop and improve our products and services, for example by analyzing customer visits

our Sites and various subpages, the search for specific products and services and the comments of


• To administer our Sites and for internal business administration and operations, including solution

problems, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and research purposes;

• As part of our efforts to keep our Sites safe and secure, and

• To comply with applicable law, for example, in response to a request from a court or other body

regulator, when such request is made in accordance with law.

We will process personal information for other purposes only upon receipt of your

prior consent to such processes.

2.1. Consent

It is based on your consent that we process your personal data. Consent is the manifestation

free, informed and unequivocal way in which you authorize Euphoria to process your data.

Therefore, in line with the General Data Protection Law, your data will only be collected, processed and

stored with prior and express consent.

Your consent will be obtained specifically for each purpose described above, showing

Euphoria's commitment to transparency and good faith towards its users/clients, following the

relevant legislative regulations.

By using Euphoria services and providing your personal data, you are aware and consent to

the provisions of this Privacy Policy, in addition to knowing your rights and how to exercise them.

At any time and at no cost, you may revoke your consent.

It is important to highlight that revoking consent to data processing may imply the

impossibility of adequate performance of any functionality of the website that depends on the operation.

Such consequences will be informed in advance.

Euphoria assures its users/customers of their rights as holders provided for in article 18 of the General Law

of Data Protection. This way, you can, free of charge and at any time:

• Confirm the existence of data processing, in a simplified manner or in a clear and


• Access your data, being able to request it in a readable copy in printed form or through

electronic, safe and suitable.

• Correct your data when requesting it to be edited, corrected or updated.

• Limit your data when unnecessary, excessive or treated in non-compliance with the

legislation through anonymization, blocking or deletion.

• Request the portability of your data, through a registration data report that the

Euphoria is about you.

• Delete your data processed with your consent, except in cases provided for by law.

• Revoke your consent, deauthorizing the processing of your data.

• Find out about the possibility of not providing your consent and the consequences

of the negative.

To exercise your rights as a holder, you must contact Euphoria via the following

available means:

Contact method

In order to guarantee your correct identification as the holder of the personal data subject to the request, it is

We may request documents or other evidence that may prove your identity.

In this case, you will be informed in advance.

Your personal data collected by Euphoria will be used and stored for as long as necessary

for the provision of the service or for the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy

are achieved, considering the rights of data subjects and controllers.

In general, your data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship between you and Euphoria

endure. Once the personal data has been stored for a period of time, it will be deleted from our

databases or anonymized, except in the cases legally provided for in article 16 general law of

data protection, namely:

I – compliance with legal or regulatory obligations by the controller;

II – study by a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data;

III – transfer to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements set out in this document are respected

Law; or

IV – exclusive use by the controller, access by third parties is prohibited, and provided that the data is anonymized.

That is, personal information about you that is essential to fulfilling legal, judicial and administrative determinations and/or for the exercise of the right to defense in proceedings

judicial and administrative data will be maintained, despite the exclusion of other data.

The storage of data collected by Euphoria reflects our commitment to security and

privacy of your data. We employ technical protection measures and solutions capable of guaranteeing the

confidentiality, integrity and inviolability of your data. Furthermore, we also have

security measures appropriate to the risks and with access control to stored information.

To keep your personal information secure, we use physical, electronic and managerial tools

aimed at protecting your privacy.

We apply these tools taking into account the nature of the personal data collected, the

context and purpose of the processing and the risks that possible violations would generate for the rights and

freedoms of the holder of the data collected and processed.

Among the measures we adopted, we highlight the following:

• Only authorized people have access to your personal data

• Access to your personal data is only done after a commitment to confidentiality

• Your personal data is stored in a safe and suitable environment.

Euphoria is committed to adopting the best postures to avoid security incidents. However,

It is necessary to highlight that no virtual page is entirely safe and risk-free. It is possible that,

Despite all our security protocols, problems are solely the fault of third parties

occur, such as cyber attacks by hackers, or also as a result of negligence or

carelessness of the user/client themselves.

In the event of security incidents that may create significant risk or damage to you or anyone else

of our users/customers, we will communicate to those affected and the National Data Protection Authority

about what happened, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Law.

In order to preserve your privacy, Euphoria will not share your personal data with

no unauthorized third parties.

They receive your data only to the extent necessary to provide the contracted services and

Our contracts are guided by the data protection standards of the Brazilian legal system.

Furthermore, there are also other hypotheses in which your data may be shared, which are:

I – Legal determination, request, requisition or court order, with judicial authorities,

competent administrative or governmental authorities.

II – Case of corporate transactions, such as merger, acquisition and incorporation, automatically

III – Protection of Euphoria’s rights in any type of conflict, including those of a judicial nature.

Euphoria makes use of Cookies, which are text files sent by the platform to your computer and

stored there, which contains information related to website navigation. In short, Cookies

are used to improve the user experience.

By accessing our website and consenting to the use of Cookies, you acknowledge and accept their use

of a navigation data collection system using Cookies on your device.

You can, at any time and at no cost, change permissions, block or refuse

Cookies. However, revoking consent for certain Cookies may make the

correct functioning of some platform features.

You can have more information about the Cookies we use and how they work in our

Cookies Policy.

The current version of the Privacy Policy was formulated and last updated in January 2023.

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, particularly in

function of adapting to any changes made to our website or in legislation.

We recommend that you review it frequently.

Any changes will come into force as soon as they are published on our website and will always be

We will notify you of any changes that have occurred.

By using our services and providing your personal data after such modifications, you consent to them.

Euphoria provides for the responsibility of agents who act in data processing processes, in

compliance with articles 42 to 45 of the General Data Protection Law.

We are committed to keeping this Privacy Policy updated, observing its provisions and

ensuring its compliance.

Furthermore, we are also committed to seeking technical and organizational conditions

safely capable of protecting the entire data processing process.

If the National Data Protection Authority requires the adoption of measures in relation to the

data processing carried out by Euphoria, we undertake to follow them.

As mentioned in Topic 6, although we adopt high security standards in order to avoid

incidents, there is no virtual page entirely free of risks. In this sense, Euphoria does not

responsible for:

I – Any consequences uences arising from the negligence, imprudence or incompetence of users in

in relation to your individual data. We guarantee and are only responsible for the safety of

data processing processes and compliance with the purposes described in this instrument.

We emphasize that the user is responsible for the confidentiality of access data.

II – Malicious actions by third parties, such as hacker attacks, unless proven culpable conduct or

deliberate Euphoria.

We emphasize that in the event of security incidents that may generate significant risk or damage to you

or any of our users/clients, we will communicate to those affected and the National Authority for

Data Protection about what happened and we will comply with the necessary measures.

III – Inaccuracy of the information entered by the user/client in the records necessary for the

use of Euphoria services; any consequences arising from false information or

entered in bad faith are entirely the responsibility of the user/client.

Euphoria provides the following means for you to contact us to exercise

your rights as holder: (contact methods).

• Email:

• Letter:

Euphoria Creative

Information security

Av Luis Carlos Berrini, 1748 –

conj. 2208 – Monções City

CEP: 04571-000. Sao Paulo-SP